St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Megan Sims
High School Youth Minister
[email protected]
(830) 816-5665
Melissa Garza
Middle School Youth Minister
[email protected]
(830) 816-5667
Middle School
All 6th-8th graders are welcome!
Middle School formation is a weekly gathering of 6th-8th grade students that uses a relational ministry model to create an opportunity of encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church. To do this, we rely on our Core Team (Catechists) of Confirmed teens and adults that are living their faith and striving for holiness. We strive to teach the Faith, provide an opportunity for community, and demonstrate the joy and beauty of the Catholic Church with our middle schoolers.
High School
All 9th-12th graders are welcome!
Camp Covecrest 2022
St. Peter's Life Teen Mission
St. Peter's Life Teen is leading teens closer to Christ through the teachings and Sacramental Life of the Roman Catholic Church. We are Eucharistic-Centered, providing opportunities of encounter with the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
What is Life Teen?
Life Teen, a movement of the Holy Spirit, is Catholic Youth Ministry that is designed for teenagers in grades 9-12. Life Teen was established in 1985 in response to a need to teach teens the Catholic Faith, how to effectively live it out, and to offer encounters that allow teens to grow in relationship with Christ. The Life Teen Staff and Board of Directors are committed to the mission of Life Teen which is to, “Lead Teens Closer to Christ.” With over 36 years of experience, Life Teen has become one of the most effective youth ministry programs, nationally and internationally. St. Peter’s is blessed to be a Life Teen Parish for over 21 years! We also run EDGE, which is the Middle School component of Life Teen.
Life Teen at St. Peter's
Our Youth Ministers and Adult Core Team members are committed to providing our teens a dynamic program to help them follow Jesus Christ by inviting them to become more active in the Church, more active in the Church's liturgical tradition, and more energized to grow and live the Catholic Faith. We believe that offering encounters with Christ is essential to the faith journey. In addition to our weekly faith formation sessions (Life Nights), we offer yearly retreats, attend Life Teen Camp Covecrest, and the Life Teen Leadership Conference. Additional activities are also offered throughout the year. Teens are also encouraged to become active in parish life by serving as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Ministers of Hospitality at Mass as well volunteering in different leadership roles.
What are Life Nights?
Our weekly faith formation sessions known as Life Nights, are designed to meet the catechetical, educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of today's teenagers. Life Nights do not use the traditional textbook form of catechesis. Teens are encouraged to attend Life Teen Mass on Sunday evenings to celebrate Mass together. After Mass, the teens gather in a large group for gathering activities, a teaching, and prayer. After the large group, the teens break up into small groups which are facilitated by adult core members who are active and committed to practicing their Catholic Faith. In these small groups, the teens are actively engaged in breaking open Church teaching, discussing how to live it in their everyday life and how to grow in their own faith life. Through these small groups, the youth are able to build safe Christ-centered relationships with their peers and adults.
Click here to register online for Faith Formation
Haga clic aquí para inscribir para Formación de Fe
Registration Fees
A recommended minimum donation per year for Parishioners is $80 for one child, $150 for two and $25 per each additional child. Non-parishioner cost is $150 for one child, and $300 for two and $50 per additional child. Payment can be made by Cash, Check, or online payment. Monthly payment arrangements via cash, online payment or special envelope contribution can also be established. Scholarships are available to help families.
Cuestas de inscripción
Una donación mínima recomendada por año para los feligreses es de $80 para un niño, $150 para dos niño y $25 por cada niño adicional. El costo para los no feligreses es de $150 por un niño y $300 por dos o más niños. El pago puede hacerse en efectivo, cheque, pago en línea. También se pueden establecer arreglos de pago mensual a través de efectivo, pago en línea o aporte en sobre especial. Hay becas disponibles para ayudar a las familias.
Download Calendar: EDGE 2024-2025
Descargar calendario: EDGE 2024-2025
Download Calendar: Life Teen 2024-2025
Descargar calendario: Life Teen 2024-2025