St. Peter the Apostle Parish Informational Workshops
Mark your calendars to participate
Who All Junior and Senior High School Students and their parents
What Two sequential workshops to learn about and apply for Pell Grants and Scholarships for college/university studies and Tech or Trade Schools. The goal is to have students consciously plan ahead to maximize their career potential while yet in High School and in the grant and scholarship application process. These sessions will specifically address concerns and needs of low income and minority students and their families.
When Session #1: Tuesday, Sept. 27th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Session #2: Tuesday, October 4th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where The Cana Ballroom, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 202 W. Kronkosky Street, Boerne, Texas 78006
Why To assist students and parents in making college/university studies and Tech or Trade Schools available for professional and career development. The second session will build off the first and focus specifically on the application forms and process for Pell Grants and Scholarships. Parents will need to bring their Form 1099 or W-2 as required for qualification and the 10-page federal aid form applications (FASFA). Business leaders and BISD School Counselors will be available to answer questions and walk parents and students through the application process.
Organized and Sponsored by: Lesa Pritchard – Executive Director of Whole Child Services & Head Counselor, Boerne Independent School District Ashlie D’Spain – School Counselor, Boerne Independent School District Matt Diana – Workforce Readiness Project; Educate Fir$t Fr. Norman A. Ermis – Pastor, St. Peter’s Parish
This is a BISD outreach program collaborating with churches ***Simultaneous Spanish Translation will be provided for the workshops***